About Us
Hello and welcome to Sandman's Shop! We are happy to see you here and to have you be a part of what we do here.
I do think it would be very rude of me NOT to give you an idea of who were are, what we do and why we do it, so let's dig in!
Who we are
There are a couple of people involved in all of this. Leading the charge is me, Thys. I decided to get the site up and running in 2021 as a sidegig and since then it has grown into a full blown business with lots of "stuff" and moving parts.
Help was needed!
I got some friends involved and the best part of it is that my wife, Melinda, also agreed to join in this adventure! Don't tell her, but she is probably the best part of being the voice of reason and helping to keep us on course.

Although we have worked globally remotely for many years, in many industries, we are all proudly South African.
Why we do what we do
South Africa is a country filled with beautiful people with big hearts. Wherever you go you will find people with big smiles on their faces, regardless of the struggles they face.
We love each other and our country but there are many challenges. Over many years of corrupt governing we have seen unemployment get close to 40%!
This has made so many things so much more difficult for everyone in the country. As a result we are only employeeing South Africans and we try to teach them new skills, while making it easier for them and their families to make a living.
This has been our goal from the start and will continue to be our goal.
We are definitely not going to get that number down to zero but any small dent we can make in it, we see as a win.
Thank you very much for supporting us!