How to hem curtains without sewing

How to hem curtains without sewing

How to Hem Curtains Without Sewing - 5 Easy Methods

Learning how to hem curtains without sewing can seem like an intimidating task, but it’s actually pretty easy to do if you have the right tools and know-how. In order to hem curtains without sewing, you need only five simple tools. You’ll also learn four ways to use these tools to hem curtains without sewing, so your new curtains will be ready to hang in no time!

1) Zipper Method

The zipper method is one of the quickest and easiest ways to hem curtains without sewing. All you need is a zipper and some fabric glue. Simply attach the zipper to the top of the curtain, then glue the fabric around it. Trim any excess fabric, and you're done! This method is great for temporary hems or for those who don't want to commit to sewing. Hemming has never been this easy.

2) Turn Under & Pins

The most basic way to hem curtains is to simply turn under the fabric and pin it in place. This method is best for lightweight fabrics that won't require much support. To do this, start by folding under the fabric 1/2 inch or 1 inch (depending on how wide you want your hem) and pressing it with an iron. Then, fold the fabric under again so that the raw edge is hidden and pin it in place. Repeat this process all the way around the curtain until it is hemmed. Perfect!

3) Double Fold & Stitch

The double fold & stitch method is the most common way to hem curtains without sewing. This method is simple and only requires a few supplies. First, you'll need to measure the length of your curtain and mark the fabric at the desired length. Next, fold the fabric over at the mark and pin in place. Finally, sew a straight stitch along the edge of the fabric to secure it in place. Repeat this process for each side of your curtain.

An alternative way of hemming curtains without sewing is the pleat and stitch method. For this method, you'll need to measure and mark your fabric the same way you did for the double fold and stitch. It creates a more polished look.

4) Folding Method

One way to hem curtains without sewing is the folding method. This is the easiest and best way to do it. In order to use this trick, fold the fabric at the desired length and use fabric adhesive to hold it in place. You can also use this trick if you want to add a decorative border to your curtains.

5) Tape Method

Another method is the tape method. All you need is some clear tape and a pair of scissors. First, cut the tape to the desired length. Next, place the tape on the back of the fabric where you want the hem to be. Make sure the sticky side is facing up. Then, fold the fabric over the tape and press down. Finally, use a sharp knife or scissors to cut off any excess fabric. So easy for anybody to do it.

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