Explained: The Reason Why Cats Bite Blankets

Explained: The Reason Why Cats Bite Blankets


Have you ever wondered why do cats bite blankets? Many pet owners have noticed this strange behavior and been left scratching their heads in confusion. It's natural to want to know why cats engage in this seemingly inexplicable behavior, so it's time to get to the bottom of it. In this blog post, we'll take a look at why cats bite blankets and explore what might be causing this behavior.

A Cat's Natural Instincts

Cats are known for their sharp claws and teeth, which they use to hunt their prey in the wild. Even domestic cats have these instincts ingrained in them, and it's why they may occasionally bite their owners or anything else that comes in their path. The act of biting and scratching is a natural way for cats to explore and interact with their surroundings.

Cats have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, which makes them sensitive to new scents and sounds. When they come across something new or unusual, their instincts tell them to investigate and potentially hunt their prey. This is why you may notice your cat biting your blankets or any other fabric, as it triggers their predatory instincts.

Another natural instinct that cats have is to mark their territory. Biting and scratching helps them mark their territory by leaving their scent and mark on the fabric. This territorial marking behavior is why cats tend to bite and scratch things they are comfortable with, like blankets, beds, or their toys.

However, just because it's a natural behavior doesn't mean it's always appropriate or welcome. If your cat is biting your blankets or other items, it's essential to provide them with appropriate outlets for their natural instincts, like scratching posts or interactive toys. This way, they can still fulfill their instincts without causing any damage to your belongings.

In the next sections, we'll discuss some other reasons why cats might bite blankets.


Just like humans, cats can get bored. They need a stimulating environment to keep them active and entertained. When cats get bored, they may resort to biting or chewing on things, such as blankets, as a way to alleviate their boredom.

If you notice your cat biting on blankets frequently, it may be a sign that they need more stimulation in their daily routine. You can try introducing new toys or puzzles for your cat to play with, as well as dedicating some time each day to play and interact with your cat.

Providing your cat with a scratching post or climbing tree can also give them an outlet for their natural instincts to scratch and climb, which can help prevent them from biting on blankets out of boredom.

It's important to note that if your cat's behavior is accompanied by aggression or other concerning behaviors, it may be worth consulting with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to rule out any underlying medical or psychological issues.


Cats can also bite blankets when they're stressed out. Stress can come from various sources, such as a new environment, a change in routine, or an illness. When a cat feels stressed, they may resort to biting their blankets as a form of self-soothing or stress relief. The repetitive action of biting can help to release tension and reduce anxiety.

It's important to identify the source of your cat's stress and work towards resolving it. This could involve creating a safe and comfortable environment, establishing a consistent routine, or seeking medical attention if your cat is unwell.

Providing your cat with plenty of opportunities to play and exercise can also help to reduce stress. Toys and games can provide mental stimulation and help to channel their energy in a positive way. If your cat is still biting their blankets despite these efforts, it may be worth consulting with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to rule out any underlying medical or behavioral issues.


Cats are natural predators, and even though they may live in our homes, their instincts remain intact. That's why when your cat bites your blanket, it's sometimes related to hunting behavior. 

The texture and movement of the blanket may remind your cat of their prey, causing them to bite or claw at it. This can also be related to play behavior, as cats often practice hunting skills through play. So, if your cat is biting your blanket, it could just be a form of play and not necessarily a cause for concern. 

However, if you notice your cat biting your blankets excessively and aggressively, it could be a sign that they're not getting enough playtime or stimulation. Make sure to provide plenty of toys and opportunities for play to keep your cat mentally and physically healthy. 

Additionally, if you have outdoor cats, bringing home the scent of other animals on your blanket could also trigger their hunting instincts. In this case, consider washing your blanket more frequently to reduce the chance of bringing home those scents. 

Understanding your cat's hunting instincts can help you provide them with the appropriate play and stimulation they need to stay happy and healthy. So, don't be alarmed if your cat is biting your blankets – it's just their natural instinct at play.

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